Beta Civilian – Temple of Vega

We’re kick starting the month with a new SNES-y sound from uber-geeks, and Triggertique favourites, Beta Civilian.

Jamie on the keytar

BC decided to drop their new track ‘Temple of Vega’ on me late yesterday evening and I think it broke my brain. Street Fighter samples were seeping in all last night, I dreamt in hurricane kicks, sonic booms and more than one scarlet terror, before being woken this morning by an almighty Hadoken!!!

It’s a dark and filthy synth-funk tune, but more than that, it’s also a love note to a simpler time. For a generation who grew up on 16-bit gaming, it’s nostalgia in bleeps, baselines and Street Fighter samples.

If Stevie Wonder and Daft Punk made a video game it would probably sound a lot like this.

To download Temple of Vega for free click Here and find the download button under the track.