The Odd Folk – How NOT to be in a Band

This delightfully twee 15 minute folk-doc follows The Odd Folk (five nice boys playing nice music) as they set out on a mini tour of the UK, encountering minor setbacks and generally being very un-rock&roll. The Odd Folk’s ramshackle, happy-go-lucky approach to being in a band is enviable and the documentary serves as a good-natured reminder that not all the world is going to shit and entertainment doesn’t have to be all shouting and explosions – although a few pyrotechnics would definitely liven up the next film.

Best viewed with a cup of fruit tea.

Find The Odd Folk at:




Mistaken For Strangers

gallery-waterThis is not a rock documentary about The National. It’s the touching story of Director, Tom Berninger (a slacker wannabe film maker), and his search for connection and approval from his older brother Matt, a successful rock star.

It looks like it was made on a shoestring with very little expertise, but despite that, Mistaken For Strangers is the funniest, most tender documentary I’ve seen in a long time.